Part 3: The will of Providence

We now have a better understanding of why our party dreaded this meeting. All that remains is to see how the Queen takes the news.

Maybe she's feeling a bit guilty.

Hopefully some good will come of this after all!

Or maybe not.

Oh crap. (music)

"But muuum! I don't wanna oppress the peasants!"

That's why for many years I had complete faith in them. That's why I looked upon them with such favor.

And so I, Arshtat, the Queen of Falena, brought down my judgment and vengeance upon them, by the will of Providence!

I think we've gone so far off the deep end here we've wrapped around and gone off it again.

Personally I'd just have kept my mouth shut, but...

...we have to give Lyon some support here.

Predictably, it doesn't go over well.

I will... hear the rest of your report later...


(Sun Palace theme)

She turns to Frey and Lyon.

We haven't met the princess yet, but how you react when she's mentioned will establish what kind of relationship Frey has with his sister. I could hold a vote on this, but I'm going to go all monarchy on your behinds and decide that Frey isn't a terrible person.

Georg walks off.

Sialeeds follows him.

...better run fast, Georg.

Then, we're back in control. Lyon will point out our next destination, but of course that means we should explore everywhere else first. I know how these things work!

I swear to guard it and the royal family with m-my life!
So we'll start with the east wing, and this unfortunate chap who, after a line like that, is more or less guaranteed to be the first to fall when the Mongolian hordes invade.
We can also talk to the other guard up north here:
Guard: Her Majesty's husband is both Commander of the Queen's Knights and Grand General of the Falenan Army. But over the years, those offices have really been little more than honorary titles. There aren't many examples in history of people who've actually fulfilled both roles like Commander Ferid.
I promise I won't be transcribing every single NPC line in the game, but some of them are actually quite interesting, although the fact that Ferid is a huge badass shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.

I'm very sorry, but I'll have to ask you to come back a little later.
This is our next actual destination, but we can't get in until we dick around in the castle for a bit. So, commence the dicking!

But all I can see when I shut my eyes is Lady Sialeeds. It's keeping me awake! I don't know what to do about it...
I'm choosing to believe it's because he's terrified of her. It's not entirely implausible.

The prince's private room is on the second floor, complete with save spot (that's the glowing orb thingy) and maid.
Maid: Shall I fetch the royal pajamas?

As pleasant as that sounds...

...we have a sister to hunt down first.
Maid: Oh, that's very sweet of you, Prince Frey! No matter how tired you are, you always think of your little sister! The princess will be so glad to see you!

Lyon has a room next door. It's not quite as nice, but not bad.

And at the end of the corridor, a storage room.

But Queen Arshtat sold off her mother's treasures to fund the rebuilding after the Armes invasion. And because of that, Falena's back to its former glory eight years after the attack. In fact, it's better than ever!
Of course, that means there's little of interest for us to loot, but we can pick up a set of Refined Clothes from the upper chest (Frey comes with a set; they're not great), as well as...


Much better!

There's nothing in there now, sir, but the Rune expert might be helpful if you want information.
In the middle of the second floor, there's this huge spiral staircase. It looks a bit out of place.

Uh... is there something you need here, Your Highness? Since the Queen took the Sun Rune, the Sealed Room is empty now.
We're going in anyway. (Partly because the Sealed Room has its own music.)

Well, you've come all this way. The least I can do is share a bit of knowledge about Runes... So, what is it that you want to know?

Frey can ask three questions, and he's not allowed to back out once he starts. We'll do them in order.
Chief RuneKeeper: Hmm... Well, in a nutshell... You probably know all about how the world is made up of forces, right? Water, wind, earth... Competing and combining with each other, these forces together shape everything. Now, each Rune symbolizes one of those forces, so they say. Of course, the Runes predate humanity, so no one really knows for sure.
Some help you are.

Frey really shouldn't need to ask this question, but he does it anyway, for the sake of the viewers:
Chief RuneKeeper: Well, you see, one who bears a Rune upon their body gains the ability to harness that Rune's power. The Water Rune grants the power of water. The Wind Rune, the power of wind. You get the idea.
"But of course no one in their right mind would equip a wind rune. ...please don't tell your aunt I said that."
Chief RuneKeeper: So you can imagine what the Sun Rune does. That's right -- the power of the sun itself. And that's what Her Majesty used on Lordlake when...

...still not very interesting. Finally...

Spell out "three," damn it. It's not that long.
Chief RuneKeeper: Ah, you mean the Sun Rune, the Dawn Rune and the Twilight Rune! Well, the Sun Rune is blessed, you see. It brings the Queendom of Falena prosperity. And the Dawn Rune and Twilight Rune bring the Queendom protection, or so the legends say. Unlike most Runes, those three are each unique, and incredibly powerful. Especially the Sun Rune. No other Rune anywhere near here comes close. Some even say it's one of the "True Runes," all born together with our world at the dawn of time.

You're just trying to hide the fact that you don't know jack about this.

We can also talk to his two subordinates. Starting with the guy on the left:

See, they always said that nobody should ever bear the Sun Rune on their own body. It's too powerful for any one person. That kind of power seduces and corrupts... Well, so they say. That's why our nation kept the Sun Rune sealed here on the statue for all those generations...

Can't exactly blame him for saying what I'm sure we've all been thinking. Finally, the third guy in here.
Rune Keeper: The East Palace's Dawn Rune, the West Palace's Twilight Rune, and the Sun Palace's Sun Rune... When these three are together, the Queendom of Falena will prosper in peace, so says the legend. But the Dawn Rune was lost in the uprising two years ago. And now Her Majesty is in possession of the Sun Rune.

You don't have to pretend. It says "Suikoden" on the box. Disaster is more or less a given.

Climbing down again, we continue into the west wing. Two maids are keeping watch outside Sialeeds' door.
Maid: She had her right to the throne taken from her, not to mention the marriage... I know it's all about the throne and avoiding conflict within the royal family, but really! The poor thing!
This is probably less important than it sounds. We'll get a better explanation later on. Let's move on to the next.
Maid: Oh, Prince Frey! Are you looking for Lady Sialeeds? She just got back and went straight to bed. Do you have something urgent you need to see her about?
We don't, so...

...we'll be nice.
Maid: A-Are you sure...? I don't have to...? Oh, thank you, Your Highness! Thank you so much!
Sialeeds is not a morning person.
Maid: ...Ahem. Very well, then.
The door on the left is another bodyguard's quarters, but no one is there, and the next one over...

...belongs to the princess.

Maid: Oh, no! This is awful. You must have just missed each other! Until just a little while ago, the Princess was waiting here for you to visit, Prince Frey... But she got tired of waiting, and went off with Lady Miakis to look for you! Could you to see if you can find her, Prince?
We'll get on that.

There's another maid we can talk to first, however.
Maid: No doubt it'll either be that Godwin lad or the Barows boy, but... Whichever of them it turns out to be, I don't like it. Oh, my poor little girl!
We can also chat up Lyon at this point, and...

...get nothing much of interest out of her. All right then.

All we have left is the first floor of the west wing.
Guard: The Princess? She came by just a short while ago with her bodyguard, Lady Miakis.
Sounds like we're on the right track.

But first, a side trip to the kitchen.
Maid: ...Oh, but I couldn't possibly ask Your Highness to help! Please, don't even think of it!
I couldn't, anyway. Looking after Lym is a full time job.
The guy in white by the counter is the chef.
Chef: Some Queens in the past would send chefs to the bottom of the Feitas River, just for cooking something they didn't like! But I don't get worried about such things. Her Majesty Queen Arshtat would never do anything like that.

Sheesh, burn down just one revolting peasant village and you'll never hear the end of it!
Finally, the third person in here.
Head Chef: A-ha! Your highness! Welcome back, welcome back. You must be hungry. Can I interest you in a meal? You and Lady Sialeeds, off on that long journey -- I haven't served you two in ages! Time for a royal feast!
I like him.

Continuing on, there are a couple of more dudes hanging around in the rooms under Sialeeds' and the princess'.
Soldier: Arrgh! Ouch!

That's a lot of words, but these little pieces of history flesh out both the setting and the characters. Even the cutscene at the beginning of this episode makes it clear that Arshtat isn't just some loon who burns down peasant villages for laughs, but this only makes it more clear.

Finally, we have this guy.
Guard: Oh, sorry, Your Highness! No, you can do what you like! Go, mingle with the lawbreakers if you feel the need!
So he says, but...

...we can't actually progress past this room a the moment. I'm sure it'll be important later on, because it even has its own music.

I don't remember exactly what it is that triggers the next event, but we've seen everything there is to see, so whatever it is we've done it now.

As evidenced by these two showing up when we head back to the guard room.
Obsequious Noble: Don't tell me she's considering getting him involved in politics someday...?
Haughty Noble: Ha! Lord Godwin and Lord Barows would never stand for that! A third player in their little tug-of-war?
Obsequious Noble: Not just any third player -- a royal! A royal male, no less! Ridiculous!
Haughty Noble: Yes, a Falenan royal male. They've always been useless. Waving to the crowds, that's all they're good for.

Well! I'm going to go find Georg and then I'm going to order him to throw you in the river.

Obsequious Noble: How rightly you speak! Ha, ha, ha!
But before Frey gets a chance to paint the hallway a nice bright shade of red...

...some guy shows up and gets in the way of his fun.

You never know -- some rogue knight might slip out of the guard room and come passing by... Okay?
Well, I suppose that works, too.

Haughty Noble: Wh-What are you talking about? W-We were just standing around having a little chat, that's all!

Haughty Noble: What?! Don't be ridiculous! We never said anything of the kind!
Obsequious Noble: Of c-course not! Not "as good as dead"! "About as good as deadWOOD," he said...
Haughty Noble: Shut up, you idiot!
...I don't even have to comment on this. The comedy writes itself.
Obsequious Noble: Mmmph!

Obsequious Noble: P-Please, no! I'm begging you! Please, I... What'll it take to keep this quiet?

I think I like him.
Haughty Noble: Yes, sir...!
Obsequious Noble: O-Of course! We'll be good! We promise!
Haughty Noble: N-Now if you'll just excuse us!
They run off, completely ignoring Frey.

Curse this mirror-polished floor!

I could have handled it, but, well, his way was pretty amusing as well so we'll be polite.

I'll say. It's gone grey already!

We have to do that one way or another, but...

...we don't want the princess to start picking apart the palace stone by stone looking for us.

Well that or I could stand on that silly spiral staircase and shout, I guess.
...let's go with your suggestion.

Here's another thing we can complain about. So I will! Just not right this instant. Remember this screen for later, though.
Anyway, it means we have Kyle in our group. Much like Georg, he comes in at level 20, and more importantly...

...he has some really nice gear!
Let's take it.

Here you go, Lyon!

Then, we can proceed.

We get a little Lyon sprite on the loading screen this time. (Watch the scene!) (or listen to the music)

The two of them bow.

Georg doesn't.

His duties include making pesky nobles mess their pants in fright, right...? So it's all good.

The old guy steps in before it can degenerate into a slapfight.

It does seem pretty harsh.

Some agree.

Some don't.

Of course, treason is a serious crime.

But it seems unusually harsh given what we know about the queen outside the little rune-influenced episode earlier.

Even this early on, it's safe to say there's more to this situation that we can see right now.

They must serve their penance.
There is a reason I picked the "politics" tag for the thread.

The Sun Rune is proof enough that this nation and Her Majesty have heaven's divine blessing! It's only natural the Rune's judgment would come down on anyone who dares defy Her Majesty's authority! If you ask me, I don't think Her Majesty has used the Sun Rune enough!
I get the feeling Alenia is the type who'd be whining that the queen is "soft on crime" if she hadn't used the Rune back then.

That name is... a bit unfortunate.

But of course it's not quite as simple as the nazis versus the at-least-they're-not-nazis.

The Barows may be a bit less trigger happy, but of course they're dicks in their own special way.

I wish they'd tell me your name so I can stop thinking of you as Sephiroth, because it really doesn't go with your personality.

It's a complicated situation and it's only natural that there are differing opinions. And at least you're not calling me "deadwood" where the entire castle can hear you.

He bows. (music)

Suddenly, Frey's dad out of nowhere! (music)

Some rather varying degrees of bowing here.

Some people may believe that knights must give absolute obedience to their master. But that's not true loyalty.

...But, at the very least, in this room, I want us to be able to express our views openly, without fear of reprisal.


Ferid is the best.

(even if he still can't pronounce his son's name)

They won't be imparting much wisdom today, but we'll keep it in mind for future reference.

All right, here we go. Seriously, game? That was like 20 steps at the very most! Do we really need to sit through these joining and leaving messages every single time?
...the answer is yes, by the way. Yes, we do. Every. Single. Time.

We can now go around and talk to the knights.

This may be Georg's first appearance, chronologically speaking, but he's clearly seen quite a few things already.

So far we don't know that much about the other faction, so...

...we'll hold off blaming everything on one or the other just yet.

I wouldn't go that far, but it would be rather absurd to accuse them of being the only ones doing it.

No, sorry, Zahakiroth, I'm inclined to agree with Ferid here. (But then again he's my dad, and also totally awesome.)

Kyle is hanging around the back of the room.

Apart from being several times my level?

"I heard he once bore the Rune of Punishment, but the Rune jumped ship when it realized it was the one taking damage every time he cast a spell."

Another thing you'd find out if you investigated Georg in Suikoden II is that he was one of the Scarlet Moon Empire's Great Generals, some time prior to the first game. The most you'll hear about it there is a guy who talks about the "The Six... I mean Five Great Generals" and II doesn't mention it outside that investigation, either.

I think you answered your own question there when you admitted he's better than you.

Ferid has a little room to himself. The door is to the right of Kyle's position, just off camera.

Next time, we'll see what he means by that!

(larger version)
The designs for the royal couple seem to have been decided fairly early, but Arshtat's hat is a bit different here, and at some point Ferid was wearing an eye patch. I guess they decided it was too much when Georg already has one.